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Join Surf Søstre fora week of surfing, movement and a whole lot of sisterhood fun.

This retreat will be one of a vibrant exploration and pure magicfor the body, mind and soul.


We will unplug from the routine of everyday life to immerse ourselves through surfing, movement, music and meditation. There will be plenty of time to relax and restore as well as explore the wild and wonderful waves, nature and feel of Morocco with it’s array of goodies to delight all of the senses.



- 7 nights accommodation

- 7-10 Surf lessons incl. gear

- Yoga and other fun Surf Søstre sessions 

- Photo/video analysis 

- Breakfast, lunch and dinner each day (depending on the program)

- Airport transfers

- Surf Søstre goodie bag



- Flights

- Travel insurance

- Lunch/Dinner (those days where you are on a trip)

- Excursions to Essaouira, Sand dunes etc. cost around 15 Euro)



All levels are welcome on this Surf Søstre retreat. A retreat is a great opportunity to focus on taking care of oneself in the company of others who wish to do the same. As space holders, we will provide explicit modifications for beginners and challenges for those more advanced. Everyone will be met exactly where they are. Make sure to note if you have any injuries or if you are pregnant.


Surfing and Morocco: The perfect mix!

The Coast & its Waves

A sunny kingdom in the northwest of Africa, right on the edge of the African continent and just a few kilometers away from Spain.

The beautiful West-Coast is paradise for surfers. From beach break, point break to slabs: Along the stunning coastline you will find surf spotswith all kinds of waves.

Moroccan waves are regarded as some of the best in the world. You will discover & surf breathtaking waves you will neverforget!

The area from Agadir until Imsouane is known as the Moroccan surfing Mecca. No matter your level of experience, your adventurousness ormood; the right wave is just a stone’s throw away and waiting for you!


Landscape, Culture and Weather

Morocco is rich in contrasts, culture and history. In addition to the beautiful weather and stunning landscape Morocco has to offer, its people are welcoming and friendly, the food is amazing, always freshly prepared and naturally made from organic ingredients.

The unique landscape offers an eclectic selection of beaches, mountains,valleys, forests and (of course) the desert.

The climate is generally hot and dry for most of the year. – Enjoy 300 daysof sun!

It cools down a bit during the winter months and rain is possible.


Morocco, Imsouane Nov. 25th - Dec. 2nd 2023

kr 8.500,00Price
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